my face

Christopher B. Miller

Full Stack Web Dev


Hi, I'm Christopher!

Welcome to my portfolio site.

Here, I showcase some of the web development projects I've built learning various programming languages, frameworks, and styling techniques.

This site was built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Languages and frameworks I have experience with:
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Angular
  • Java
  • MySQL
Other tech tools I've used:
  • VS Code
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Git
  • NPM
  • Spring
  • Thymeleaf
  • Hibernate


JS Hiking Calculator

Hiking mileage calculator

"RopeBurn's Super Cool Hiking Calculator" was inspired by a hiking meme. This application helps the user calculate the variables that determine how many days it takes to cover a certain number of miles. I am passionate about hiking so using this was a perfect fit as my first JavaScript project.

Angular Orbit Report

Orbit report application

The Orbit Report is an Angular project that makes an API call then parses the retrieved data into a searchable and sortable table as well as an associated list that updates the counts of various items in the table as the table changes.

ARCC Demo Site

ARCC website

The Arkansas Climber's Coalition was in need of an updated website. I built a demo site for to show them what I could do. The Coalition went in a different direction, but I got some good web development practice.

Weather API Call

Weather App

This project began as an excersise in learning a JS animation tool called GSAP and progressed into practice making an API call to






Bentonville, AR

Drop me a line!